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#ParoleStraniere: #definizione e #significato del termine inglese [Remainder]

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Inglese - Pronuncia: rimeinda.

Anglicismo della lingua italiana

Copie di un volume che sono vendute dall'editore a prezzo ridotto dato l'esito negativo delle vendite.

Traduzione inglese
  1. il resto - rest, remainder, change, remnant, relic, leftovers;
    la rimanenza - remainder, rest, leftover, unsold;
    l'avanzo - remains, remnant, remainder, scrap, end, junk;
    i rimanenti - remainder;
    le giacenze di magazzino - remainder.
  2. The Remainder - Promemoria.


  1. Sostantivo - a part, number, or quantity that is left over.
    "leave a few mushrooms for garnish and slice the remainder".
  2. an interest in an estate that becomes effective in possession only when a prior interest (devised at the same time) ends.
    "If, however, the grantor were to give away his full estate to a series of people, he will have kept no reversion in the property and the future interests he has created will be called remainders".
  3. Verbo - dispose of (a book left unsold) at a reduced price.
    "titles are being remaindered increasingly quickly to save on overheads".


residue, balance, remaining part/number, rest, others, those left, remnant(s), surplus, extra, excess, overflow, residuum.

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