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#ParoleStraniere: definizione e significato del termine inglese [Intelligence]

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Inglese - Pronuncia: intèligens.
Letteralmente Intelligenza.


Spionaggio e Controspionaggio. Agenzia di Intelligence; Servizio di Intelligence.

Intelligence è entrato nel nostro vocabolario come attività di raccolta, elaborazione — e distribuzione ad una selezionata cerchia di fruitori — di informazioni, di rilievo militare e/o civile.

Traduzione inglese di Intelligence

  1. l'intelligenza: intelligence, understanding, mind, cleverness, wit, smartness.
  2. la levatura: intelligence, mental capacity, raising, rising.
  3. le informazioni: information, intelligence, advice. 
  4. l'ingegno: intelligence, brain.

Definizioni di intelligence

  1. the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
    "an eminent man of great intelligence".
    Sinonimi: Intellectual capacity, mental capacity, intellect, mind, brain(s), IQ, brainpower, judgment, reasoning, understanding, comprehension, acumen, wit, sense, insight, perception, penetration, discernment, smartness, canniness, astuteness, intuition, acuity, cleverness, brilliance, ability, braininess.
  2. the collection of information of military or political value.
    "the chief of military intelligence".
    Sinonimi: information gathering, surveillance, observation, reconnaissance, spying, espionage, infiltration, ELINT, humint, black operations, recon, black ops.

Esempi con il termine Intelligence

  1. The problem centred around intelligence from a police informant suggesting people other than Coghlan could have committed the murder.
  2. Lozano based his complaint on alleged wiretaps by military intelligence.
  3. The FBI is gathering intelligence from (drum roll, please) the Internet.
  4. Ortega folded his arms, taking comfort in the fact that this brutal method of gathering intelligence was for the better of South America, and the world.
  5. The intelligence department.
  6. It has also stepped up the gathering of information and intelligence on petitioners to better identify the sources of tension, sources said.
  7. This doesn't mean men can't do it, it just proves that kneading calls for no special skills, intelligence or ability.
  8. Are the CIA and military intelligence agencies cooperating fully with the investigation?
  9. The fear of other people's intelligence and ability applied to the production of goods we consume is not only profoundly wrong but also extremely dangerous.
  10. At 25, her success has been formidable, but she is oddly unhelpful about applying her reputed intelligence to an understanding of it.
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