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#ParoleStraniere: definizione e significato del termine inglese [Groggy]

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un incontro il pugile è a terra barcollante


Inglese - Pronuncia: grègi - Letteralmente: intontito.


Detto di pugile che, stordito dai colpi dell'avversario, non è più in grado di reagire.

Significato in inglese di groggy

  1. Intontito: dazed, groggy, stunned, numb, muzzy.
  2. barcollante: staggering, faltering, groggy, tottery.

Definizioni in inglese di groggy

  1. dazed, weak, or unsteady, especially from illness, intoxication, sleep, or a blow.
    "the sleeping pills had left her feeling groggy".
    sinonimi: dazed, stupefied, in a stupor, befuddled, fuddled, dizzy, disoriented, disorientated, punch-drunk, shaky, unsteady, wobbly, weak, faint, muzzy, dopey, woozy, not with it.

Esempi con il termine Groggy

  1. At this point their back door slides open and a groggy looking eldest son enquires of me as to what I think I'm doing.
  2. At his stop, half asleep, he fell more than rose from his seat but he untangled his legs and kept moving and smiled, too groggy to be up.
  3. She brought us shifts and gowns and we slipped into them, groggy from grief and lack of sleep.
  4. The thing is, half the time, my friend would stir early and hover in the groggy world of the almost-awake.
  5. Finally, I woke up at about 2 and dragged myself around the house until I could shake off the grogginess.
  6. It's really enjoyable, but I'm a bit groggy and disorientated so it's not really sinking in.
  7. It's worse in the morning, slipping groggily from sleep into day, with my body arguing every inch.
  8. They all sat up, confused and a bit groggy , and succeeded in making everybody cry out in relief.
  9. He raised his voice as he walked down the corridor with a groggy , staggering gait.
  10. The captain of the flight reported feeling dizzy and groggy and, at one point, donned an oxygen mask.
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