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Lunedì, 12 Novembre 2012 01:00

La beauty farm degli animali & Grooming - Geo&Geo

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Molti pensano che gli animali siano sempre tutti sporchi e portatori di malattie, mentre le cose non stanno affatto così: in realtà, nel mondo animale, si tiene moltissimo all'igiene personale e alcuni dedicano molte ore del giorno alla pulizia del proprio corpo. Un'attività che spesso viene praticata in compagnia e che riveste anche una funzione di "regolazione sociale" il «Grooming».

Si ringrazia per l'ignoranza sull'argomento «italiano scritto», «comunicazione» e «tecnica» che qualche volta qualche settore della RAI dimostra impedendo la visione fuori dal loro sito, usando silverlight e scrivendo con tre errori per ogni frase: per vedere il video cliccare questo link.

Animals regularly clean themselves to keep their fur, feathers, scales, or other skin coverings in good condition. This activity - known as personal grooming, preening, or auto-grooming - promotes hygiene. Dead skin and foreign objects such as insects, ectoparasites, and leaves, dirt and twigs, are some of the items typically removed.

Many social animals groom each other, an activity known as social grooming, mutual grooming, or allo-grooming. Items removed during social grooming are identical to those removed by personal grooming. Social grooming also takes the form of stroking, scratching, and massaging.

Primates provide perhaps the best example of this activity. Primatologists have called grooming the social cement of the primate world. The trust and bonding it builds is critical to group cooperation. Among primates, social grooming plays an important role in establishing and maintaining alliances and dominance hierarchies, for building coalitions, and for reconciliation after conflicts; it is also a resource that is exchanged for other resources, such as food and sex.Primates groom socially in moments of boredom as well, and the act has been shown to reduce tension and stress. It is often associated with observed periods of relaxed behaviour, and primates have been known to fall asleep while receiving grooming.

Results of research shows that male crab-eating macaques will groom females in order to get sex. One study found that a female has a greater likelihood to engage in sexual activity with a male if he had recently groomed her, compared to males who had not groomed her.

Other animals groom socially as well. These include insects, fish, birds, ungulates, and bats. Whereas social grooming among primates has been very well-studied, less is known about social grooming in these other animals.

Mammals often perform social grooming. Domesticated animals, especially cats and dogs, will groom trusted humans as a sign of affection.

Letto 2917 volte Ultima modifica il Martedì, 12 Novembre 2019 08:19
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